Sunday, August 7, 2011

Campout Day

 On Friday, we went to the mountains for our first semianual campout day. I really enjoyed it. We picked a campsite with a river near it. We swam and skipped stones in the calm parts. The water was freezing cold, but I liked it. In some parts it was only about a foot deep. In others it was 5 feet deep. We found small trout in the water. They were about an inch long. Later we roasted marshmallows. I got away with 5 before my mom stopped me. We went to the river twice more before we had dinner. Dinner was indian fry bread and hot dogs. After dinner we played on a rope swing I found and left. I can't wait to go again next year.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Game cheats 2

                                                        Club Penguin cheats

         Aqua Grabber: How to catch a fish. 1 Get a membership. 2 go to the iceberg. 3 go into aqua grabber. 4 Play soda seas. 5 get 5 cream soda barrels. 6 go into the upper left cave. 7 knock into the celing. A worm should fall. 8 Grab the worm. 9 follow the fish. If you get real close, when it turns around , it will eat it. You will have succsesfuly caught a fish.
        Ice fishing: How to catch the mullet. 1 play until the mullets fin is below you. 2-3 more fish will come. 2 Get a fish on the line, but DO NOT COLLECT IT! Wiggle it around, and when the mullet comes...